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Russia Selling to Iran
By Micah Halpern

Sunday August 31, 2008

I'm Predicting:

For months I have been predicting a missile deal between Russia and Iran.
A deal that would seriously inhibit a defensive strike against Iranian nuclear posts by Israel, by the United States or by any other Western power.

My info says that the delivery of the S-300 missiles will take place in late September.
It will take the Iranians six months to a year to assemble and train on the new weapon system.

The light bulb has finally gone off for the Americans.
The US has finally wised up to what the Russians and Iranians are doing.
Until now the United States has repeatedly said that they have no intelligence supporting such a deal and do not expect it to happen.
Iranians say they have a deal with Russia.
Russians have no comment.

And the Russians have a plan to put the screws to the US for their involvement in Russia's world.
It is payback for supporting Georgia and Ukraine and Poland, for encroaching on the Russian sphere of influence.

Russia is saying to the US you mess with us we mess with you.
Navigating through this new mine field will be a gargantuan test for the new US president.

Read my new book THUGS. It's easy. Just click.

4 June 2017 12:14 PM in Predictions

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