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Will The US Stand With Israel?
By Micah Halpern

Sunday August 24, 2008

I'm Predicting:

Will the United States be there for us in the event of a crisis?
That is the big question. It is the question that Israeli strategists are asking in lieu of the Russian invasion into Georgia and the subsequent response by the United States and other Western governments.

Israel is not alone, other US allies are asking the same question.
The issue goes to the stability of small countries that are US allies.
If these countries are as powerless as Georgia was, then the concept of Western alliances and friendships are all called into question.

After studying the US response in Georgia and analyzing the thinking behind the National Intelligence Estimate that suggests that Iran is not a significant threat Israel has been able to draw significant conclusions:
The United States really is powerless when it comes to helping and defending her interests internationally. The United States can have only one of two responses: either invade the enemy country or supply the allied country.

Expect Israel to maximize the supply side of their relationship with the United States.

4 June 2017 12:14 PM in Predictions

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