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Saudi Arabia is not Falling
By Micah Halpern

Monday March 14, 2011

I've Been Thinking:

People are worried about what will happen if Saudi Arabia falls. There is the fear that oil will hit $300 per barrel. The truth is that people are monitoring the wrong variables and watching the wrong network.

Al Jazeera is asking the question, and Al Jazeera is stoking the flames of unrest. Al Jazeera wants unrest in Saudi Arabia just like they wanted unrest in Egypt and Libya. When you look carefully at Saudi Arabia directly, you see a different situation.

Look carefully at Friday March 11th. That is the day that was supposed to be a major day of protest, the day that Facebook pages proclaimed to be the day that Saudis would come out and protest en masse. And you know what - Friday was a fizzle.

Maybe two hundred people came out in the Eastern town of Hofhof where much of the oil drilling infrastructure is set up. Maybe, two hundred.

And then yesterday, on Sunday, there was a twelve person protest outside the Ministry of Interior. The police just watched and did nothing. But if you watched Al Jazeera it was touted as a major protest. The Saudi royal family, however, succeeded in letting people know that only a dozen people came and that the protest was peaceful.

We do not have to like the Saudi royal family but we do have an obligation to tell the truth, not to exaggerate or make up stories. It is untruths that swayed the situations and fomented the masses and helped oust those other MidEast dictators.

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4 June 2017 12:13 PM in Predictions

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