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Poland To Import Gas from Israel
By Micah Halpern

Monday April 29, 2019

I've Been Thinking:

It looks like Poland is going to import gas from Israel.
Poland wants - or rather needs, to disconnect from its Russian gas dependence.

Relying on Russia for just about anything almost always lead to problems. Poland knows this. According to Piotr Wozniak, CEO of PGNiG, the Polish state-controlled oil and gas company, Poland is "interested" in importing gas from Israel.

He told Reuters: "We are looking at all those places to the south of Poland ... So yes, we are interested in Israel ... We want to be the company at the crossroads of North-South and East-West ... we need something to the south. Something reliable. So we are looking at all those places to the south of Poland very carefully... So yes, we are interested in Israel."

This is very good news and a very important show of independence by Poland.

Russia has spent decades forcing countries into submission by using energy as a way to exert influence. Now Poland is finding a way to remove that threat and to forge an independent policy without Russia hanging over their shoulder.

Kudos to Poland.

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2 May 2019 11:22 PM in Thoughts

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