« Escalation on Gaza Border | Main | They Defend Hamas » Gaza Could Become A Major Crisis
By Micah Halpern
Sunday May 5, 2019 I've Been Thinking: Gaza launched 430 rockets into Israel on Saturday morning thru Sunday morning. 180 of the rockets were fired overnight. Israel retaliated by striking 130 sites in Gaza. Early on Saturday morning Gaza began the barrage by sending 50 rockets toward heavily populated cities and towns. Israel's Iron dome was launched and intercepted some of the rockets. Over the course of the day Gaza continued to loft rockets into Israel. Israel struck back at what appears to have been a predetermined set of locations. but there was some collateral damage. In Gaza a pregnant mother and her fourteen-month old child were killed. And in Israel a sixty year old man was injured and then died from his wounds. We must monitor this very carefully. The response and the counter response between Gaza and Israel will determine whether or not this barrage escalates into a much larger set of events or even into a military operation. Read my latest book THUGS. It's easy. Just click. To reprint my essays contact sales (at) www.featurewell.com 6 May 2019 12:09 AM in Thoughts
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