« Tensions Btw Israel & Hezbollah | Main Israel Worried about US/Iran Dialogue
By Micah Halpern
Wednesday August 28, 2019 I've Been Thinking: The G-7 meeting was very worrisome for Israel. Let me explain. President Trump publicly announced that he would gladly meet with his Iranian counterpart President Rouhani. Here is the worry. If the United States advances toward Iran in a path similar to the paths the US has taken with North Korea, it will mean that dialoguing with Iran will become a priority. It will weaken Israel's ability to influence the US. More importantly, Israel has a series of priorities for their country's security. There are certain red lines in the sand that Israel wants to make certain the US does not cross with Iran. This situation, this diplomatic warming between the United States and Iran, is not good news for Israel. Read my latest book THUGS. It's easy. Just click. To reprint my essays contact sales (at) www.featurewell.com 28 August 2019 12:33 AM in Thoughts
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