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Rocky Road in PA & Israel
By Micah Halpern

Friday July 15, 2005

I've Been Thinking:

The situation in Israel, in Gaza, in the Palestinian Authority is getting jammed up.

There was a Palestinian Authority - Hamas shootout yesterday.
PA security surrounded a cell of Hamas in the act of shooting Kassam rockets straight into Israel.
The PA demanded that Hamas stop and turn over their weapons.
A huge firefight broke out.
Later in the day Hamas took to the streets and paraded through several Gaza cities to show their strength.

At the same time, in Israel, two former Chief Rabbis ruled that the military can not seal off Gaza from the rest of Israel.
They said that an Israeli may not separate another Israeli from any portion of Israel.
A day earlier Prime Minister Sharon warned rabbis not to incite violence.
The law in Israel is that any rabbi employed by the State must refrain from political public pronouncements.

Rough and rocky roads ahead, on both sides of the highway. Stay Alert.

4 June 2017 12:14 PM in Thoughts

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