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US Arabic Mag Closes
By Micah Halpern

Friday December 23, 2005

I've Been Thinking:

America. The pop culture capital of the world.
America. The greatest merchandisers in the world.
America excels at selling itself - everywhere except in the Arab Middle East.

There is no reason why American culture should fail in the Arab Middle East. And yet, it does. Here is a case in point: The US State Department has just shut down "Hi" an Arabic language magazine co-published by the State Department and a private entity.

They shut it down because it was not making money.
Hello!!! It was not supposed to make money. That is why the State Department co-sponsored it.
It was supposed to spread American culture.
It was not supposed to brainwash.
But it was too brainwashy, it was too preachy, people did not buy it.
What a waste of time and money and opportunity.
"Hi" was pitched at the wrong level with the wrong material.

The US has the most magnetic culture in the world but fails to properly understand the Arab Middle East and so fails to properly package messages.

I have plenty of ideas on how to convince the masses ... but no one is listening.
If I had the funding I guarantee that in 5-10 years we could rid that part of
the world of terror.

4 June 2017 12:14 PM in Thoughts

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