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Palestinians V Palestinians
By Micah Halpern

Monday June 19, 2006

I've Been Thinking:

Israel has agreed to transfer large numbers of rifles and ammunition to Mahmoud Abbas' personal security force - Force 17.
The goal is to strengthen Abbas in the face of the fast growing forces of Hamas.

On the surface, this appears like a good thing for Abbas. But let's take a look.
Abbas claims that the guns have not arrived, that Israel is attempting to drive a divisive wedge between the Palestinian people.
It's a PR ploy - Abbas needs and wants the weapons, but can't say that outright.

There is proof that the munitions are on their way.
Over the past week there were at least 5 appeals to the Israeli Supreme Court to nix the deal - all failed.
And now the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) has launched an investigation into the 3000 guns that Force 17 HAS received.

The PLC claims that this is an attempt by the US and Israel to foment a civil war.
It is unlike me to agree with the PLC, but they are absolutely correct.
The idea behind the arms transfer is to bolster the Abbas forces so they can defend themselves and their positions against Hamas.
The hope is that Abbas will convince the masses of Hamas' genuine objectives and in the end support a toppling of the Hamas led government.

4 June 2017 12:14 PM in Thoughts

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