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Syria Wants Out Of US Dog House
By Micah Halpern

Wednesday December 20, 2006

I've Been Thinking:

President Bashar Assad of Syria is in Russia.
After concluding a meeting with Vladimir Putin the Syrian and Russian leaders held a joint press conference.

Bashar Assad said that Syria is in favor of resuming talks with the US.
He said that Syria is "open to dialogue with the United States but will not take orders from Washington."

Syria wants to relieve the pressure being brought on them by the West, principally by the United States.
The pressure Syria is feeling is linked to Syrian sponsorship of terror, especially Syria's support of Hezbollah and Hamas.
And Syria is still taking the heat for the assassination of Lebanese leader Rafik Harriri and for their relationship, or rather lack of relationship, with Israel.

Nothing would suit Syria better than to get out of the US dog house.
Syria wants an end to the US sponsored boycott against them and is willing to change its ways.
Tradition and honor does not allow them to say so directly to the United States.

4 June 2017 12:14 PM in Thoughts

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