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Double Standard
By Micah Halpern

Sunday January 20, 2008

I've Been Thinking:

A chorus of voices has been shouting about the way Israel is surgically striking at Hamas terrorist strongholds, including the Hamas Ministry of the Interior.

The Red Cross, the Europeans, the United Nations, the European Union and the list goes on.

The voices get louder as Israel continues to hit the cells, factories and cars of the terrorists.

Almost all call for restraint on both sides.
Almost all condemn the death of innocents.

So where were those voices when 130 rockets rained down on Israel in 72 hours? Where were those voices when Hamas and Islamic Jihad let out a barrage against Israel?

Why did the many shouts turn into a few hushed whispers?
There is a definite double standard operating here.

The objective of Hamas and of Islamic Jihad is to attack as many innocents as possible - that is clear from the type of weapons being used.

The objective of Israel is to attempt to minimize the number of innocent victim casualties, even as the terrorists hide out among civilians.

Why is this all so obvious to me and not to the Red Cross, the UN and the EU?

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4 June 2017 12:14 PM in Thoughts

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