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Hamas Fatah Fighting in Gaza
By Micah Halpern

Tuesday August 5, 2008

I've Been Thinking:

The conflict that took place this past weekend in Gaza is more significant than it at first appears.
The nearly 200 Hilless clan members who bolted Gaza and sought refuge in Israel were the last military stand of Fatah.

Hilless was the final group of Fatah-affiliated armed fighters in Gaza.
Now they are either all gone, killed or arrested by Hamas.
Their arms have been confiscated by Hamas.

It was the last military stand of Fatah in Gaza, but it is not the end.
30% to 40% of Gazans support Fatah over Hamas ideologically.
That will not change.
In fact, as Hamas restrictions on the activities of daily life continue to increase, the number of Gazans favoring Fatah will probably shift, as well.

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4 June 2017 12:14 PM in Thoughts

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