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New Turkish TV Show
By Micah Halpern

Friday July 10, 2009

I've Been Thinking:

A Turkish TV Station has really pushed the envelope.

Turkey is a Muslim country, it is also a democracy.

There are natural and understandable tensions between Islamic and secular leadership in Turkey.

Kanal TV is developing a reality show called "Penitents Compete."

On the show a Priest, an Imam, a Rabbi and a Monk all compete to convince a non-believer to convert to their religion.

The practicalities are proving to be a little complicated.
The Turkish Ministry of Religion has thus far refused to provide an Imam.

The producers are interviewing and scrutinizing potential participants.
They need make certain the participants are actually secular and not just trying to get the money or prove that their religion is best.

The concept is brilliant.

The result should prove very interesting.

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4 June 2017 12:13 PM in Thoughts

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