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US Vetoed UN Vote
By Micah Halpern

Saturday February 19, 2011

I've Been Thinking:

The US vetoed the Security Council vote sponsored by the PA against settlements.

Let me explain the logic of why the US is so upset with the PA over the UN Security Council resolution condemning Israeli settlements.

Logically, it would seem that the US would sponsor such a vote and certainly not veto it. Here's the back story:

United States Ambassador to the UN, Susan Rice, spent hours trying to talk the Palestinian Authority out of the decision. Even Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and President Barack Obama invested hours talking to the PA. But why?

Most importantly, the White House is against the "UN-ification" of the issue. Israeli/Palestinian disputes should be resolved either face to face or with a third party, certainly not by way of the Security Council. That's diplomatically politic.

Then it gets diplomatically personal. Taking the settlement issue to the Security Council is meant to embarrass the US and force her hand. It is an ugly ploy by the Palestinians to try to publically humiliate and weaken the US in the context of world politics.

The PA plan will not work, in fact, it will backfire. Obama has already told the Palestinians that US/PA relations will suffer because of this ploy.

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4 June 2017 12:13 PM in Thoughts

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