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By Micah Halpern
Sunday April 10, 2011 I'm Predicting: Wednesday's announcement that Glenn Beck will be stepping down from his 5pm cable news show on Fox is still being talked about, celebrated and bemoaned. People on the left are gleeful. They despise Beck. They hate Beck more for his ideas than for his huge numbers and viewers. Beck is not going away, he is going to new media. He will do Fox specials. And the new media he is involving himself with will reach many more people and many more young people than his 5pm show ever reached - even at his height. Beck will bring his audience to the new media and his ideas will be a much more serious force - way beyond that of the simple one dimensional flat TV screen. Much of what Glenn Beck will be doing will be done through Fox's new media division in cahoots with his media company This move is huge for Fox. Bringing a block buster into the new media will propel them into the next generation. Glenn Beck and Roger Ailes are once again demonstrating their brilliance and keen understanding of media and human nature. Read my new book THUGS. It's easy. Just click. 4 June 2017 12:13 PM in Predictions
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