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Iran Thinks it was a Virus
By Micah Halpern

December 4, 2011

I've Been Thinking:

My sources are telling me that Iran has, with almost certainty, come to the conclusion that the huge explosion that rocked the Algahdir missile base on November 12th, the explosion that killed 36 people including the head of the Iranian missile program - was caused by a worm.

The Iranians are now seriously trying to determine if the explosion was caused by either the Stuxnet or the DUQU virus.

If they are correct, it means that their systems are still seriously infected. It means that the Iranian missiles, the main weapon in any attack by Iran on Western targets or on Israel, are out of commission. It means that the Shahab 3 and the Sejil 2 are now useless.

People say that it will take Iran two to three months to clean their systems of the viruses. My tech people do not believe that to be the case. They say that there is really no way to clean these worms from your system. The virus becomes dormant and is not detected - but it has not gone away. Actually, it creates a false trail suggesting that your defense has detected and removed the virus while in reality, it is still deeply embedded in your system.

If the Iranians are correct, their entire missile system is in jeopardy. And that is good news for the West.

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4 June 2017 12:13 PM in Thoughts

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