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Iran is Learning from The Situation
By Micah Halpern

Sunday September 15, 2013

I've Been Thinking:

Iran's comments on and interpretation of the deal that saves Syria from a missile strike are very illustrative of the way the Iranians really think.

Ali Larijani, Iranian speaker of the parliament and former nuclear arms point man, called the deal a sign of US "rationality." Larijani's comments were broadcast throughout Iran on Sunday on all news networks and media outlets.

In addition, the new President of Iran, Rouhani, will meet with British Foreign Minister Hague in NYC at the United Nations General Assembly.

There are actually rumors that Rouhani might also meet Obama. There have been and continue to be overtures to set up a private summit between Iranian and US leaders.

That is one of the great parts of the GA. With so many world leaders "milling around," it looks and seems matter of fact to "accidently" meet and greet.

In the world of social diplomacy, at least, it looks as if Iran is not averse to learning lessons from the Russia and the United States.

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4 June 2017 12:13 PM in Thoughts

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