« Iran & Egypt Make Amends | Main | Syrian Opposition » Ahmadinejad and the NYPD
By Micah Halpern
Friday September 21, 2007 I'm Predicting: Let the Iranian Mission to the United Nations say what they wish. Let me explain why: If Ahmadinejad were to drop by and get out of his car there would be a full fledged riot. Ground Zero is in the middle of downtown. The leader of Iran cannot go and leave without being seen by thousands of people who would be viscerally appalled by his very presence and repulsed by his visit. Ahmadinejad could not care less about New Yorkers or about Americans. Ahmadinejad is a brilliant media manipulator. Read my new book THUGS. It's easy. Just click. 4 June 2017 12:14 PM in Predictions
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