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Kerry In Syria
By Micah Halpern

Sunday February 22, 2009

I've Been Thinking:

John Kerry just finished a week long trip to the Middle East.
Kerry visited some important places and met with some important people. Probably most critical for him were his visit to Gaza and his visit to Damascus.

Remember, Kerry is the chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
This was not a fact finding trip, in his position Kerry receives all the facts he needs with the snap of his fingers.
Kerry was in the Middle East serving as a high level messenger for President Barack Obama and rest assured, the message was delivered and it was received.

Hamas leaders in Gaza did not meet with Kerry but they were elated that he was there. Syria was ecstatic. All the Arab leaders in the region saw this as a genuine gesture, a reaching out to better understand the situation.

After meeting with Syrian leaders Bashar Assad, Kerry held a press conference. During the press conference Kerry suggested that Syria can play a key role in creating a Palestinian Unity government.

Until the press conference, I had not realized that a Palestinian Unity government was an objective of the United States.
The last time there was a Palestinian Unity government the United States was at the forefront of an international boycott because Hamas refused to accept Israel's right to exist. And the vast majority of the Western world signed on.

If this is a policy of the new administration it is a policy that needs to be seriously questioned.

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4 June 2017 12:13 PM in Thoughts

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