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Iran Attacks Israeli Ship
By Micah Halpern

Saturday February 27, 2021
I've Been Thinking:

This week an Israeli cargo ship, the Helios Ray, was hit by 2 missiles while above sea level in the open sea. The shop docked in Dubai in order to repair the holes.
The attack was almost certainly the work of Iran.

Israeli Chief of Staff Aviv Kochavi said: "This past weekend we received a reminder from one of the biggest threats in the region, who reminded us that Iran is not only a nuclear threat, but a spreader of terrorisms which carries out terrorist acts and actions against civilian targets."

Iran has identified a very weak link in Israeli security – Israeli shipping in the open seas. Cargo ships at sea are totally defenseless. Israeli ships flying the Israeli flag have only limited security.

This ship, the Helios Ray, was not flying an Israeli flag. It travelled under a Bahaman flag. But Iran knew its origin.

Israel must figure out how to defend ships on the high seas.

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28 February 2021 09:08 PM in Thoughts

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