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Bin Laden's Plan
By Micah Halpern

Sunday March 15, 2009

I'm Predicting:

On Saturday Al Jazzera aired another Osama bin Laden audio tape.
This tape was actually found on several websites and then it was broadcast.
Bin Laden's comments were, for the most part, predictable.
In this case, the message is less important than the medium.

Osama bin Laden had two important themes to disseminate to his masses.
# 1: He blasted established Arab leaders who, he says, are plotting together with the United States and the West against Arab interests.
# 2: He explained that Arab leaders are responsible for the deaths of the Palestinians who died in what he called a Holocaust in January.
Bin Laden also railed against the Arab leaders who were silent when Hamas was fighting the Zionist occupation.

Bin Laden has something up his sleeve.
For 18 months, until January 16th when he broke his silence, we did not hear a word from the leader of al Qaeda.
Perhaps, for a while, he had a safer method of sharing information.
Now, he wants to communicate with his followers, it is for them that these messages are intended, we in the West are merely eavesdropping.

This renewed frequency in releasing audio messages is a very large change in the bin Laden MO.
It is telling us something.
It could mean a significant build up in al Qaeda activity and terror.

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4 June 2017 12:13 PM in Predictions

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